Three days ago there was an earthquake in the indian ocean that was rated at I think a 9.0. India, Sri Lanka and that whole coastline was just devestated by the tsunamis. At latest count the dead was 115,000 and the homeless and hungry must be even more. International aid is coming in to help bury the bodies and bring food. One thing that they are very worried about is the chance of disease with all the bodies laying there. Fresh water is another major concern. There are many pictures of bodies lying on the sand and of bulletin boards with pictures of kids from parents looking for them. The houses they lived in were not very sturdy and there were miles of just wreckage that couldn't stand up to the waves. They say that a good portion of the killed were children out on the beaches playing in the waves then the big one came and wiped everything out.
There have been theorists talking about if this could happen on the west coast and from what I've read that a long time ago (don't remember when, could have been as near as 300 years ago) there was an earthquake there that was just massive. Who knows. I'm sure that in the news there will be lots of "earthquake experts" out there spewing theories.
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