My glasses
I was getting up for the day and Olivia was playing around the bed. I stood up and reached for my glasses usually on a table by my bed. They weren't there. I figured I must have knocked them off when I turned the alarm off. I looked under the table and then on my dresser but couldn't find them. I asked Olivia if she had seen my glasses and she seemed to perk up and she squatted down to look around on the floor for them. I ignored her and kept looking for them around the table. Olivia started pointing under the bed and I kinda gave it a glace but thought that she was pointing at a teddy bear that had gotten under their. I looked and looked and Olivia was starting to get frustrated by how she was making noises. I thought OK, I'll look under there again. I bent down and got on my hands and knees and there under the middle of the bed my glasses had somehow worked themselves. Olivia squealed with glee that I had finally found them and I thanked her for finding my glasses that she had hidden. That little rat. I didn't think that she would know what I was talking about by glasses. Every day I'm amazed at the words she knows but doesn't know how to say.
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