Christmas '04
The week before Christmas, Frank was on vacation so I had to work a bunch of hours so I was glad for 1600 on Friday. We were out of the store in really good time. Eric had all the lights turned off, I mean all the lights, just before 4 so people got the hint. We were really busy. Lots of people had those last minute home improvements for company.
I came home and we had our celebration. Olivia opened some books and that was it for her. She couldn't focus on any new presents because there were new books to look at!!! We then went to Decorah and stayed with my parents and crashed. Saturday, Olivia sledded for the first time. Man it was the best. I found our old orange plastic sleds up in the barn. I sat her on there and drug her around on the flat in front of the house. She giggled and laughed so we went down those small hills in front of the house and she just was awsome. She just was a giggle worm. So then we got very brave and sledded down the way up to the meadow the same track that Matt Weis built for us way back when. She just loved it so much. She giggled and giggled and laughed loudly. Oh it was great.
Mark and Dana got me a video game cartrige with mrs pac-man, galaga, xevious, pole position, and another game where you are a mouse. Its spiffy. Just plug it into the A/V jacks and away you go.
Olivia got lots of toys and stuff. She would rip at the present and tear a bit off. Then insist on handing that shred to someone. Then she would shred off another bit and hand it off and so on.
She seemed to enjoy her stuff. She got a leapfrog reading system.
On sunday we went to cho-sun and had some good food.
Olivia has a habit now of spitting out her food. She'll chew at it for a while then just spit it out. argh.
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